Mesh Properties

Component Specification / Tolerance
Netting Component:
- #970 polyester netting; 1” mesh size
- Long stitch knotless join
- U.V. treated yarn
- Resin dye and bonding treatment
- 173.9 lb. Average single mesh break strength. ¹
- Weight factor: 25.0 square feet = 1-lb.
Attachment Twine / Hanging Twine:
- ~ #48 Braided polyester twine
- 375 lb. Tensile strength
- Dye treated
Perimeter Border Ropes & Riblines:
- Braided synthetic cover
- Parallel synthetic core
- 3,500 lb. Tensile strength
- 2,455 Wet abrasion cycles
Ten year warranty. ²
1.). Mesh strength based upon most recent independent lab testing reports. Report copies are available
upon request. Testing conducted per ISO 1806 methodology.
2.). Some exclusions and limitations do apply. Warranty document is available upon request.
LFS #970 polyester golf range netting with average 173.9 lb. mesh breaking
strength, 2 ½” stretched mesh; 1” single bar measure, four needle raschel knotless construction, manufactured with U.V. treated yarn and additionally coated with a black resin dye and bonding treatment. Mesh break strength determined by independent laboratory per ISO 1806.
All sections of netting component to be constructed to a 3/8” braided black perimeter rope, minimum 3,500 lb. breaking strength. Additionally, net panels shall have internally constructed vertical and horizontal ropes of the same material. All rope locations on the
net panels shall correspond to the as built net panel suspension and support cables constructed to pole structures. All net panels shall be custom fabricated to as built measurements of the pole/cable structure to provide a taut panel upon completion.
Attachment of net and rope components shall be made with #48 braided polyester
twine, minimum 375 lb. tensile strength, treated black. The attachment twine shall
continually encompass the netting component and be tied to the rope component via a clove and one half hitch knot +/- 6 inches on center, never to exceed 8 inches on center.
Finished net panels shall be suspended to cables by the rope component via a 9/32” cadmium plated steel carabiner attachment snap, minimum 1,140 lb. breaking strength. The interior of the snap shall encompass only the rope and cable components when suspension is completed. The interval between snap to cable attachment points shall not exceed 3 feet on center (snap size may vary to fit cable size(s) specified).
Netting system shall be accompanied by a ten year manufacturer’s warranty. Netting system is available from LFS, Inc., Bellingham, WA, 1-800-426-8860, or engineers approved equal.